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[Solved] Textures of assets not showing up  



Show I was trying to use the Aquarius Fantasy Series Fae pack. When I moved over the assets to my project a lot of the assets don't have there textures. Like tree's trucks or parts of structures just show up as pink. I did get 2 errors.

Multiple scripted importers are targeting the extension 'gltf' and have all been rejected: UniGLTF.GltfScriptedImporter (assembly: C:\Users\Alex\My project\Library\PackageCache\com.mtion.sdk@52eb6596fb5b\Plugins\ThirdParty\UniGLTF.Editor.dll), GLTFast.Editor.GltfImporter (assembly: C:\Users\Alex\My project\Library\PackageCache\com.mtion.sdk@52eb6596fb5b\Plugins\ThirdParty\glTFast.Editor.dll)
UnityEditor.AssetImporters.ScriptedImporter:RegisterScriptedImporters ()

Multiple scripted importers are targeting the extension 'glb' and have all been rejected: UniGLTF.GlbScriptedImporter (assembly: C:\Users\Alex\My project\Library\PackageCache\com.mtion.sdk@52eb6596fb5b\Plugins\ThirdParty\UniGLTF.Editor.dll), GLTFast.Editor.GltfImporter (assembly: C:\Users\Alex\My project\Library\PackageCache\com.mtion.sdk@52eb6596fb5b\Plugins\ThirdParty\glTFast.Editor.dll)
UnityEditor.AssetImporters.ScriptedImporter:RegisterScriptedImporters ()


1 Answer

First, just try to reinstall your unity version. 

Next maybe this is certainly a sharder bug, look if ur project is in URP (this assets doesn't support HDRP), if not convert shader like this guys 

or this one 

Hope its help
