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[Solved] Request: PolyWorld Woodland Low Poly Kit  



PolyWorld Woodland Low Poly Kit

250 Points

Notes: Apparently this can be used to more easily convert high quality/detail models to a low poly art style, helping them matching the "Polygon" assets. Thanks in advance, love this community.

1 Answer

Hello @lostage !

Here is the asset you requested:


Asset Detail:

  • Version: 2.4 (Current) - released on September 23, 2020
  • Size: 87.22 MB (Number of files: 940)
  • Supported Unity Versions: 5.3.2 or higher

On the mesh conversion, I purchased this for the same reason.  The tool and debug console are really informative on if a conversion won't work.  Usually for me it's from no diffuse map being on a component/material, which you can just add or remove the piece from the prefab if it's not needed.  I have a harder time with advanced shader based materials/textures on models- so conversions will be hit or miss, but usually some tweaks/workaround allow the script to still work in my experience.

  • Here is more detail/how to on the asset dev website: h t t p ://
  • Here is the how to youtube video from the developer: h t t p s ://

Remember, if this works as desired, and your project will make a profit to you, be sure to support the author of the asset by purchasing a copy! 

Unfortunately it doesn't go on sale much.. If ever.. According to price history: h t t p s:// - So always $50usd I believe


Best of luck in your dev work!


