Official Rating 5 / 31 Votes
Latest Version 1.12
Supported Editor Versions 2018.1.1 or higher
Here you can download Unity asset DestroyIt - Destruction System.If you want to read the full description of this Unity asset - press "Read Description" button below. If you want to see the full list avalibale versions of DestroyIt - Destruction System, which you can download for free and without download speed limits from our data cloud, check section "Available Downloads". Please keep in mind that all resources featured on this site are obtained by us from other sources or through contributions from members of our community. We are not aware of their origin and do not recommend using them for commercial purposes. Dev Freedom - constantly growing collection of Unity and Unreal (UE4) assets. Free full speed download, no blocking ads, no tricks, no fakes. Remember us and WELCOME! We urge you: if you like an asset and will use it in a project, buy it!
Read Description
NEW! Version 1.10 now includes the ability to make destructible terrain trees! Use Unity’s terrain system to place trees, then make them fully destructible with DestroyIt. —– DestroyIt is a highly optimized destruction system that provides multiple options for handling the damage, repair, and destruction of objects in your games. Objects can show visible progressive damage (which can even be repaired) using the Standard shader and customizable damage textures. You can also play damage effects at any damage level, for instance, an engine that starts smoking at half health and catches on fire at one-quarter health. Destruction can be simple or realistic, from playing a particle effect to replacing the object with a pre-fractured prefab. You can even combine the two for a more extravagant effect. DestroyIt is designed to handle mass destruction efficiently. The framework provides tools for limiting particle effects and debris when many objects are destroyed at once, or are farther away from the camera. Object pooling is also used to optimize memory allocation. Everything in the demo scenes and screenshots is provided, as well as full C# source code and documentation to get you started. [Video] [Web Demos] Documentation (18 page PDF) Forum
Available downloads
DestroyIt - Destruction System v1.10 March 7, 2020
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