Please Note, A preview only HDRP version is included with *limited functionality, purely for testing purposes, this pack is specifically designed for PBR (non HDRP).
A video has been made to help get you started on a temporary hair material setup for HDRP.
Part of the Human Shader Pack.
This is a hair solution shader pack with multiple shaders to help solve transparency and shadowing issues commonly found in other Hair shaders.
Created with Amplify Shader Multiple Shader variations for full support including:
– URP STANDARD This Shader will use a given colour texture and use it directly, unlike the VRTC version which can be used to customize the hair tones in editor.
– VRTC(RGBA) This Shader is the latest in most powerful in this pack, giving you full control of previous shaders and similar to the HDRP preview version. Cutout and Alpha to coverage versions of this shader have been supplied. (See latest screenshot and video).
– Alpha Fade Transparency with Translucency and semi-shadow support.
– Custom Lighting Version for Improved Shadow Support
– Soft Transparency Version available (legacy depth sorting, prone to zbuffer issues)
– Traditional Cutout This Shader version will work on mobile(will work with screen space AO)
*To Access the HDRP Version, please using Unity 2018.3.0 minimum and import the 2018.3.0 version of this asset (old shaders will not work in HDRP so will turn purple). HDRP setup folder is located in the HairShader folder under HDRP_SetUp. A scene has been created with material applied. In future version HDRP will be sold separately. This is for Preview only and not a Final version (testing only).
Known Issues:
Post process AO can be seen through the meshes when render queue set to Geometry.
Transparency Depth Sorting in the transparency method shader prone to depth ordering issues, this is a common issue and the reason why several shaders have been created as alternatives.
No Hair Motion: Hair motion is not built into this shader and can be created using a cloth component to your hair.
Documentation included.