Create realistic dripping raindrops on 3D objects, improving the visual of any rainy scenes in real time.
Raindrops are generated automatically, and each raindrop falls at a random rate, preserving any visible repetition.
Move and rotate opaque or transparent objects where you want in your environment, the raindrops will always fall down.
Supported Unity versions
2019.4.x LTS
2020.3.x LTS
The file includes HDRP shaders.
By default, the package is set up to be compatible for Unity 2019.4.x. If you are using Unity 2020.3.x delete the HDRP folder and unpack the HDRP-Rainy 3D Objects_2020.3.x.unitypackage.
The package comes with a demo scene using 1k and 2k textures in .png format.
– Rainy 3D Objects Transparent
– Rainy 3D Objects Opaque Lite
– Rainy 3D Objects Opaque Pro (coming soon)
Features :
– HDRP support.
– PBR Metallic Workflow.
– Mask map : Metallic, Ao, Height map and Smoothness channel-packed Textures.
– Height map support.
– Designed for static 3D objects.
– Auto-generated Rain Drops.
– Full control over the appearance of the raindrops (Intensity, amount, size, speed, noise turbulence, normal intensity, smoothness).
– Random speed for each rain drip line.
– Rain drip lines are projected using world space coordinates.
– Full control over the drops left by the dripping raindrops (Intensity, amount, size, speed).
– Additional reflection control on the rain drops (Color tint, intensity, blur).
– Transparency and refraction.