Survival Template PRO is a powerful toolkit designed to be as modular and scalable as possible, while also offering a lot of features found in modern survival games.
It can be used as a starting point for your survival game or simply as learning material.
Recent Update:
Improved Character Movement.
Added Save System.
Emerald AI and FSM AI Template integrations.
Technical details
-Character components consiting of Modules and Behaviours
-Modular state based Character Controller
-Health, Death, Vitals (Stamina, thirst etc.) systems
-Fully supported and integrated with the new Unity Input System
-Texture based footsteps, includes support for terrain textures
-Customizable time of day
-Object Pooling (used for surface and weapon effects)
-Sleeping system
-Save System
-Resource gathering (e.g. tree chopping)
-Generic inventory system (can be used on any entity or object)
-Create and configure items easily (set icon, pickup, weight etc.)
-Composed of containers and slots
-Auto-Move, drag and split items
-Tags & properties
-Weight system
Building System
-Building (Free and Socket Based)
-Building materials
Wieldable System
-Attachments system
-Decoupled camera and animation system
-Spring based motion for custom states (e.g. walking, running, aiming)
-Spring based forces for applying recoil to the wieldable model
-Camera effect modules (Animator, FOV, Bob, Recoil)
-Modular crosshair system
-Durability and weight systems
Melee Weapons
-Component based swings (supports custom swings, e.g. tree chopping)
-Ability to aim melee weapons (e.g. spear)
-Component based firearm modules (e.g. trigger, aimer, reloader etc.)
-Raycast and physics shooting
-Spring based camera motion system
-Motion, Field of View and effect modules
-Workstations (Campfire, Workbench)
Event Based UI
-Inventory (slots, inspection, custom actions)
-Survival Book: Craft and place buildable previews
-Character preview
-Simple pause menu
-Health, Vitals and damage indicators
-Ammo, crosshairs etc.
-Simple Main Menu
-Sleep, building and much more…
-4 demo maps
-11 first person animated wieldables
-Character model and clothes
-Item and building objects models
-High Quality Icons
-Sound effects
-Post Processing Stack
-New Input System
-Editor Coroutines
-Emerald AI 3.0
-FSM AI Template
I am actively working on adding more features but I can’t promise anything about their release date, here’s the top priority ones: AI , Save&Load, Firearm Attachments System.
There is a bug where you cant move. Developers know about this bug so they made version 1.2.2 where they fixed this issue. Can you upload that version?