This pack contains 330 hand crafted animations, with Synty’s trademark quality. Compatible with Synty’s library and Unity’s Mecanim.
Welcome to Idles, a specialised animation pack designed to give your characters quirky behavioural traits to bring life to your environment and depth to your worlds. Perfect for that village full of quest-givers, or to have your hero wait with flair.
Featuring meticulously crafted idle animations, this pack will accelerate your workflow by providing a cohesive collection of motions to elevate humanoid character performances.
Your characters may be idle but they’re still part of the world!
Animation Sets 330 Idle animation FBX files, including RootMotion versions, designed for a complete combat system with smooth blending and transitions. Includes both masculine and feminine. Each animation is a separate file, allowing you to import only the animations you need into your project.
Works with ANIMATION – Base Locomotion and Unity’s Mecanim This pack includes documentation to guide you on how to blend Idles with Synty’s Base Locomotion animations.
Gallery Scene We’ve included a scene featuring all the animations as a separate asset, so you can easily view each individual animation.
Q: Does this pack work with Unity’s Mecanim Animation System?
A: Yes!
Q: Can I use this pack with Synty’s ANIMATION – Base Locomotion?
A: Yes, documentation is provided to guide you in blending ANIMATION – Idles with ANIMATION – Base Locomotion. There’s an example animation controller included in the Base Locomotion pack, as well as transition animations for integration with Base Locomotion.
Q: Do these animations work with characters in Synty POLYGON packs?
A: Yes! These animations are designed to work with standard POLYGON characters, POLYGON Kids, and POLYGON Big Rig characters.
Q: Do these animations work with characters in Synty SIMPLE packs?
A: These animations are not designed specifically to work with SIMPLE characters, but should still work when retargeted using Mecanim.
Q: Can I use these animations on my own custom rig?
A: Only POLYGON rigs and retargeting using Mecanim are officially supported.