UPGEN Lighting is an optimized for maximum performance framework around post-effect that provides a fully dynamic approximation of Global Illumination (requires no precomputations).
UPGEN Lighting is an optimized for maximum performance framework around post-effect that provides a fully dynamic approximation of Global Illumination to your games (requires no precomputations). This solution provides high execution speed, produce great visual results, and uses minimum of system resources. Emulation of indirect lighting could be made as fully automatic, in a semi-automatic way, or by manual designing light to save extra performance.
Under the hood, solution is based on the idea of making ultra-fast type of point light sources (10-20 times faster than standard ones) and using thousands of them to approximate light propagation for the scene in realtime. To achieve this we made a special kind of screen space effect, which bakes each frame hundreds of most valuable lights and applies combined lighting inside G-Buffer for current camera.
This framework provides several workflows for building lighting in your scenes. You can use such Fast Light sources to automatically transfer bounced light from standard light sources using Ray-Tracing. Or you can combine a standard type of light sources with Fast Lights to manually approximate GI in complex scenes and achieve the best performance and a beautiful visual look.
Only HDRP pipeline is supported (does not work with Built-in or URP pipeline)
In automatic mode it could be very inaccurate (to stay fast) and some manual work still required
Lighting does not affect forward-rendered objects like transparent geometry
Ray-Tracing uses colliders to detect ray hits (geometry without colliders will not produce bounced lighting)
Only light types supported with Fast GI and Ray-Tracing are Point and Spot Lights
Does not take into consideration shadows and light cookies
Ray-Tracing cache has a certain amount of inertia and will have visual delay for fast-moving light sources
Ray-Tracing will produce light leaking
Stereo rendering (XR) is not supported
Compatible with Unity 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021